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Oregon Public Broadcasting (opb)

For summer 2022, I was the Jon R. Tuttle Intern for the Science and Environment team at OPB in Portland, Oregon. It has been the most amazing and informative internship experience I've had yet. I was able to work on episodes of their flagship show "Oregon Field Guide" by contributing videography and even completing my own photo essay that will air in an episode, go on amazing shooting trips all over Oregon and Washington, and write my first ever published article. I was able to learn so much about field production, archive research for documentaries, and how environmental stories come together. Here are some examples of work I was able to contribute to and produce for OPB. 

Oregon Field Guide Ep 34:
Wallowa Rain PE

Aired 2/2/23
Oregon Field Guide:
Bison Ranching

Aired 2/2/23
Additional Videography
Production Assistance

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